Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I can be a good relationship adviser in the future, dont you think so? *just asking*
like i always do, here is another of my relationship amebo!!! from the desk of the experts.
You have been with your beau for awhile now. You are exclusive, boyfriend and girlfriend, you are known as a couple in your social circle and you might even live together. And all seems copasetic.
However, society favors marriage over just being a couple which is why living together without marriage has the old nickname of ‘living in sin‘. So how do you know if you are meant to be a happily unwed person forever or if it’s time for you to head to the altar? Here are some things to consider when trying to make that decision….
1. Do you personally believe in matrimony? Deep down before you became all modern, did you believe in matrimony and like the idea of marriage? If so, maybe it’s time to get back to your roots and take the plunge.
2. Will matrimony make you feel safer and more secure in your relationship? After all, marriage is more permanent than just being in a relationship. As easy as it is to get a divorce these days, it still requires some effort to get one. You can’t just curse each other out and never speak again like you can if you are in a relationship without the legalities.
3. Is there a reason why you are ‘living in sin’ at the moment? Is it because that was the next step in your relationship trajectory and marriage is next and you have just been lazy, or is it because this is what you and your partner decided was right for both of you? When you ask this question, make sure that the answer is coming from yourself , not your partner.
4. Have you refrained from taking the plunge into matrimony because you are a commitment phobe and marriage seems so much more permanent than cohabitation? Be honest with yourself about this and if you are just scared sh**less about taking that next step, talk to your partner or to a professional about your fears and maybe you can work through them.
5. Have you hesitated about walking down the aisle out of lack of desire to plan a wedding? If this is the case and you actually would like to be married, go ahead and elope or just do the ceremony in front of a justice of the peace. Getting married is about the love you have for each other, not the party.
You agree with this??????? let me read your comments*winks*

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