Thursday, July 25, 2013

Meet Nigerian Victim of US Micro Chip Tracking Device

Do you remember the story of a man who accused the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency of forcefully inserting a tracking device into him? Back in the early evolvement of this story he took to the mass media, complaining and soliciting for help as to getting justice in his favour. But lately he has taken a bold step. It’s high time he sues all persons that took part in the unfair treatments that was meted out to him.
Ajomale pictured above, has declared that he was inserted with a chip in December 2010.
His lawyer, Femi Falana sent a petition to the United Nations assembly urging it to direct the immediate
removal of the tracking device used by the United States of America to track his client.
Ajomale in an affidavit claimed that he had been lived in the United States since February 1997 until February 2008 when he became a full citizen.
In January 22 2009 Mr Ajomale travelled to Nigeria for the interment of his father and was apprehended on the 5 of February 2009 by Derrick at the BWI Airport in Maryland on his way back. He was kept in a frosty for over 9 hours and tortured so as to make an unconstructive declaration of his ownership of the United States passport obtained in 2001.
The victim also sued the Nigerian minister of internal affairs and the United airlines facing a federal high court in Lagos and requesting payments for damage caused to the tune of $100m and N100m respectively for the violation of his basic rights to dignity of human person and the right to mental and physical health as provided by sections 6 and 12 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Right (ratification and enforcement) Act of the constitution and articles.
Mr Ajomale was first arrested and sentenced to six months in DC jail and rivers correction centre in North Carolina. And rearrested by the same officer who arrested him earlier ‘’Derrick’’ in August 15 2009 with the claims that he was accidentally freed from detention center.
He was told by an ICE officer William Malone that he would be released but fined Which Mr Ajomale told his lawyer about, and had made the information known by senior ICE officers. He was also interrogated by an Officer Michelle Rawlings who promised to get back to him but never did. He ended up becoming the target of all the officers.
He reportedly said:"I was hospitalized on July 12, 2010 at Atlantic hospital for sinusitis and body weakness, but was discharged without adequate treatment. I was maltreated by three officers, who flung me on an empty steel bed, and I put in a grievance report concerning the issue. In August, 2010, I was moved to Frederick Detention Centre, Maryland, and the same aggression continued against my person. I felt some vibration on my bed and reported to the authorities but no action was taken."

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. Too speechless don't even kniw what to say, but the lord will always be his strenght. Amen


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