Am sorry about posting late today, was actually working on
my blog.
Welcome to inspiration and lifestyle, episode one, if you are just reading our articles for the first time then you are more than unique as this happens to be our first post under inspirational and lifestyle.
We wish to make our blog interactive so you may join in this
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Okay! I am obliged to discourse this subject matter,
considering its effects to our daily growth. It you ask me, I gain inspiration
from my troubles and worries. You don’t have to see difficult situations as an
obstacle to your success, rather called it a little challenge.
That has been my secret but I don’t know if it works for
you. Frankly speaking, when you see troubles as challenges then the inspiration
to stand back on your feet and face your fears will materialize. Okay let’s
look at a challenge I encountered in the past as a case study. Some times in
the past had I worked for a communication company where we were been payed at
the end of the month, most times we go broke and as a result we become
restless, I can remember telling a colleague “don’t see your problems as
problems rather see them as challenges’’, then I took the lead. Most times customers
who came to purchase a stock or two also needed services that was related to that
we offer, usually I had no idea of how to go about them but I had to be
courageous since I needed to make some additional income, I would give it my
best and when my best proves not good enough I then would take the challenge to
people who are in the necessary field and will make a percentage deal with them
while I ask the customer(s) to wait. In most cases however, I usually end up
getting the job done but I had no idea of how to go about it at the beginning.
Am sorry but most times we say we refuse to be failures but our
acts hardly portrays that, we usually do not believe in ourselves and don’t even
believe in what we say but psychologically we do *lol*. In one of my tweets, I wrote
‘’when the challenges of life becomes too difficult, your difficulty to failure
is what makes you a success’’ and surely followers favourited it on tweeter and
liked it on facebook.
Life is already too difficult to make us think that our existence
on earth will be a bread and butter experience. But rather than give up, why
not devise a new means of tackling that challenge you call a problem.
Will continue in the next Episode, Remain tuned in.
Nice1 bro